ID: 1
Caption: The Primary School at Rajkot
Место: Rajkot
Acknowledgment: Publications Division (India), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (India), Govt. of India.
ID: 2
Caption: A class-room in the School
Место: Rajkot
Acknowledgment: Publications Division (India), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (India), Govt. of India.
ID: 3
Caption: Gandhiji's sister, Raliyat Behn
Acknowledgment: Publications Division (India), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (India), Govt. of India.
люди: Raliyat Behn
ID: 4
Caption: Gandhiji's Bother, Laxmidas Gandhi
Acknowledgment: Publications Division (India), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (India), Govt. of India.
люди: Laxmidas Gandhi
ID: 8
Caption: Founders of the Natal Indian Congress, 1895
Acknowledgment: Publications Division (India), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (India), Govt. of India.
люди: Mahatma Gandhi
ID: 489
Caption: Mother : Putlibai
Acknowledgment: Vithalbhai K. Jhaveri & D. G. Tendulkar
люди: Putlibai
ID: 490
Caption: Father : Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi
Acknowledgment: Vithalbhai K. Jhaveri & D. G. Tendulkar
люди: Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi
ID: 491
Caption: The House at Porbandar, Saurashtra, where Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869
Место: Porbandar
Acknowledgment: Directorate of Information, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Gujarat, India.
ID: 492
Caption: The room where Gandhiji was Born; the swastika indicates the exact spot
Место: Porbandar
Acknowledgment: Directorate of Information, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Gujarat, India.
ID: 493
Caption: Mohandas at Porbandar, Age 7
Место: Porbandar
Acknowledgment: Vithalbhai K. Jhaveri & D. G. Tendulkar
люди: Mahatma Gandhi
ID: 494
Caption: The House at Rajkot
Место: Rajkot
Acknowledgment: Directorate of Information, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Gujarat, India.
ID: 495
Caption: Gandhiji's room
Место: Rajkot
Acknowledgment: Directorate of Information, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Gujarat, India.
ID: 496
Caption: Alfred High School, Rajkot
Место: Rajkot
Acknowledgment: Vithalbhai K. Jhaveri & D. G. Tendulkar
ID: 497
Caption: With his classmate Sheikh Mehtab (Right) at Rajkot, Kathiawad,1883
Место: Rajkot
Acknowledgment: Directorate of Information, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Gujarat, India.
люди: Mahatma Gandhi, Sheikh Mehtab
ID: 498
Caption: With his brother, Laxmidas, 1886
Acknowledgment: Directorate of Information, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Gujarat, India.
люди: Mahatma Gandhi, Laxmidas
ID: 499
Caption: Gandhi's matriculation result, 1887
Acknowledgment: Vithalbhai K. Jhaveri & D. G. Tendulkar
ID: 6
Caption: Pietermaritzburg Railway Station: the Seeds of Satyagraha were sown here
Место: Pietermaritzburg
Acknowledgment: Publications Division (India), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (India), Govt. of India.
ID: 7
Caption: Grand National Hotel, Johannesburg, where Gandhi was refused accommodation in 1893
Место: Johannesburg
Acknowledgment: Publications Division (India), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (India), Govt. of India.