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Champaran - January, 1918

Date Place Significant Event(s) Noteworthy Letter(s)/Interview (s) CWMG Details
January, 1918        
10-Jan-18 On way to Motihari     *Mismatch between
11-Jan-18 Motihari      
12-Jan-18 Motihari     CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 144 - 145
13-Jan-18 Motihari     CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 145 - 147
14-Jan-18 Motihari Discussed Champaran Agrarian Bill with
L.F. Morshead, Commissioner of Tirhut Division.
  CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 147 - 148
15-Jan-18 Motihari     CWMG Vol XIV, p. 149
16-Jan-18 Motihari   Letter to the "The Statesman" CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 150 - 154
17-Jan-18 Madhuvan, Motihari Opened a school in Madhuvan Telegram to Gujarat Sabha on issue of Kheda farmers. CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 155 - 158
18-Jan-18 Motihari     CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 158 - 159
19-Jan-18 Motihari      
20-Jan-18 Motihari     CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 160 - 161
21-Jan-18 Motihari   Letter to Tagore; Asked for his views on adopting
Hindi as the lingua franca
CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 161 - 164
22-Jan-18 Motihari      
23-Jan-18 Motihari      
24-Jan-18 Motihari Wrote to Bihar Government; Urged material alterations in Champaran Agrarian Bill be made only in consultation with raiyats' representatives. Letter to Revenue Secretary urging material alterations
in Champaran Agrarian Bill be made only in consultation with raiyats' representatives.
CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 164 - 174
25-Jan-18 Motihari     CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 174 - 175
26-Jan-18 Motihari      
27-Jan-18 Chapra-Chhapra Attended Muslim Conference;
Addressed meetings; Visited Gokhale Library; Opened Swaraj Library
  CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 176 - 177
28-Jan-18 Chapra and Gopalganj, Hathwa Went to see Maharaja and maharani at Hathwa    
29-Jan-18 Chapra; Gandhua and Motihari     CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 177 - 178
30-Jan-18 Motihari      
31-Jan-18 Patna Left next day for Bombay Letter to Manilal Gandhi; on the issue of marriage. CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 178 - 180
MKG returned for a week's
time  to Bihar from May 19 -26 and spent time at Motihari and Patna.
      CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 403 - 406