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காந்திஜிக்கு அஞ்சலிகள்

  • Sir M. Zafrulllah Khan (Pakistan)

    Keystone of the arch of peace Mr. Gandhi's tragic death constitutes as grievous a loss to Pakistan as to India. Indeed, it is an irreparable loss to the cause of peace throughout the world.

    Mr. Gandhi was beloved by hundreds of millions and deeply reverenced by all who heard his name. One of his many claims to greatness was the faculty which always enabled him to win through to sanity in every one of the crises which he faced during his life.

    The irony is that he should have fallen by the hand of an assassin. The poignancy and tragedy is enhanced by the realization that he was the keystone of the arch that is at this moment subject to so many stresses.

    The keystone has been removed by a dastardly hand. It is difficult to assess what this disaster may portend. Yet one should be permitted to indulge the hope and utter the prayer that, through the supreme sacrifice, Mr. Gandhi may have accelerated the achievement of those ideas for which his whole life was dedicated.
