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New Journals are added to Journals section

New Journals are added to Journals section

New Journals are added to Journals section

New Journals are added to Journals section

New Journals are added to Journals section; Updated metadata in Search section.

New Journals are added to Journals section. Updated metadata in Search section.

New Journals are added to Journals section; Updated metadata in photos section.

New Journals are added to Journals section. Updated metadata in photos section.

New books are added to various sections; Updated metadata in photos section.

New contents are added to Fundamental works and Other books section. Updated metadata in photos section.

New contents are added to various sections; Few issues resolved

New contents are added to Fundamental works, Other books, Journals. Also, few design and functional issues are resolved.

New contents are added to various sections; Few issues resolved

New contents are added to Key texts, Fundamental works, Other books, Journals and Updated metadata of photos. Also, few design and functional issues are resolved.

Portal made live

Portal is ready with various sections including Photos, Videos, Cartoons, Audio, Posters, Stamps, Chronology, The collected works of Mahatma Gandhi, Key text by Gandhiji, Journals, Tributes to Gandhiji, Fundamental works and other books.

